Dog Antidepressant Greyhound shirt

ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION!!! Dog Antidepressant Greyhound shirt Ladies and gentlemen Boys and Girls Brothers and sisters. Uncles and aunties Nephews and nieces Doctors and nurses Neighbours and Colleagues Students and graduates. I really don’t have anything to say. Thanks for your attention. That dog is not comfortable or certain about that puppy. Kinda concerning. Cute puppy & a beautiful dog. But something isn’t right. Shock collar on his neck?!?! This video would be adorable if the cruelty of an electric shock collar wasn’t right in front of our eyes. The warning signs are there you all just think it’s cute how cute will this be when the puppy is laying lifeless in a puddle of its own blood. Poor.

Dog Antidepressant Greyhound Hoodie


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Dog Antidepressant Greyhound shirt

ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION!!! Dog Antidepressant Greyhound shirt Ladies and gentlemen Boys and Girls Brothers and sisters. Uncles and aunties Nephews and nieces Doctors and nurses Neighbours and Colleagues Students and graduates. I really don’t have anything to say. Thanks for your attention. That dog is not comfortable or certain about that puppy. Kinda concerning. Cute puppy & a beautiful dog. But something isn’t right. Shock collar on his neck?!?! This video would be adorable if the cruelty of an electric shock collar wasn’t right in front of our eyes. The warning signs are there you all just think it’s cute how cute will this be when the puppy is laying lifeless in a puddle of its own blood. Poor.

Dog Antidepressant Greyhound Hoodie


Buy this shirt: Dog Antidepressant Greyhound shirt





1st Annual Area 51 5K Fun Run UFO Alien vintage shirt

I’m sorry but you can’t have Alien without having 1st Annual Area 51 5K Fun Run UFO Alien vintage shirt Predator. Not since they linked them up. I wanna see Alien fight Predator and I want it NOW! Not only does that not look like a xenomorph (I read the posts below) but the animations in all of these characters look really stiff, and there are weird transition frames between different animations that make it look jittery. I’m not a big Mortal Kombat fan, but I always thought their 3D stuff looked pretty smooth, so this stuck out. Hopefully, it’s the player or something. Why the fuck does the alien warrior have predator wrist gauntlet blades?! FFS, I can’t stand mortal combat. The moves are ridiculous and generic. The characters are boring. and the violence seems overblown. Nice to see an Alien.1st Annual Area 51 5K Fun Run UFO Alien vintage Tank top







Dragonfly hello darkness my old friend shirt

Saw a dragonfly with cobwebs stuck to its wings. Dragonfly hello darkness my old friend shirt It could barely fly but got away from me. Now believe that nanofibres may have something to do with the web attaching to its wings. What an amazing young man. Having a child with special needs myself. It warms my heart to see so much kindness. Max, you are a wonderful person you’re mom raised a wonderful son! God bless all of you including Elias! You both have a wonderful friendship! Max, you’re a true blessing from God and to others. Bless your heart. You also are an inspiration. Elias has a special friend in you, an angel on earth. Your smile lights up the room you enter in I’m sure.


Dragonfly hello darkness my old friend Hoodie







Don’t be a cunt eat one shirt

That would have been me! My dad tried to feed Don’t be a cunt eat one shirt my ice cream when he came home from work but I was asleep I was about 4! In those days we didn’t have freezers just ice boxes so couldn’t save it! I woke in the morning and cried because I didn’t get to eat it! A good parent would have put the phone down, cleaned him up, and put that baby to bed. That was me this afternoon but no ice cream woke up at 6.30pm to a washer full of creased worktops that had been on a 60 wash. poor kid, he was tired, parents should have put him in the bed. Icecream can wait, we have fridges this day. I don’t understand how parents let their kids get to this point.Don't be a cunt eat one Hoodie



Buy this shirt: Don’t be a cunt eat one shirt







Cat shhh I’m reading book shirt

She’s not the victim of Cat shhh I’m reading book shirt. I’m also curious to understand how you arrived at this conclusion have the authors of this story met every male, to generalize the entire population of males like that? Whose culture is the “culture of violence”? I don’t see many pissed off men going around beating up women. Since “culture” is “the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution or organization” then we may have to blame certain religious groups for their practices. I wonder what religious group[s] promote violence against women.Cat shhh I'm reading book Guys Shirt


Buy this shirt: Cat shhh I’m reading book shirt







 Cat this is my opinion of your opinion shirt

So sad to hear this but think the tour should be called ‘Cat This is my opinion of your opinion shirt’ final concert Hammersmith Apollo final song ‘Lights out’ (I am tearing up just thinking about it). Phil Mogg, you sir are a legend. That’s fair enough. He’s done great things with UFO and he’s more than earnt his retirement. Good luck in the future, Phil and thanks for all the great music. An underrated singer with a great tone to his voice and a great songwriter too.

Cat this is my opinion of your opinion Guys Shirt


Buy this shirt: Cat this is my opinion of your opinion shirt


