Dog Antidepressant Greyhound shirt
ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION!!! Dog Antidepressant Greyhound shirt Ladies and gentlemen Boys and Girls Brothers and sisters. Uncles and aunties Nephews and nieces Doctors and nurses Neighbours and Colleagues Students and graduates. I really don’t have anything to say. Thanks for your attention. That dog is not comfortable or certain about that puppy. Kinda concerning. Cute puppy & a beautiful dog. But something isn’t right. Shock collar on his neck?!?! This video would be adorable if the cruelty of an electric shock collar wasn’t right in front of our eyes. The warning signs are there you all just think it’s cute how cute will this be when the puppy is laying lifeless in a puddle of its own blood. Poor.
Buy this shirt: Dog Antidepressant Greyhound shirt