Donald Trump make America metal again shirt

Umm, the girl is obviously paid to pretend  Donald Trump make America metal again shirt. Too bad pretending doesn’t equate to what you look like a happy meal. I’ve seen this video dozens of times, so my brain summed it up for me this time as “we ate like McDonald Trump for a day” I like the rewrite. The video was great, it was the best, the most fantastic, everyone on NSBC Agreed today that everyone should eat like this, it was just wonderful. Stupendous eating. Yea umm umm good. Everyone talks about fish fillets at McDonald’s I’m afraid to try them lol, are they any good? I think it is so odd that people feel free to openly insult strangers online… What kind of person feels the need to do that? How embarrassing and trashy. no wonder why he’s a demon! Only a demon would eat that kind of trash and not drink coffee.Donald Trump make America metal again Hoodie



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